Địa chỉ: Lầu 1&2, tòa nhà VPMILK, số 21A Nguyễn Thị Thập, phường Tân Phú, quận 7, Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh
Mã số thuế: 316607834
Số điện thoại: 0909915429
Qui mô: Chưa cập nhật
Loại hình hoạt động: Chưa cập nhật
Lĩnh vực hoạt động Chưa cập nhật
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Giới thiệu về công ty
N-E&C was established in 2008 and specialized in the Design and Construction of M&E systems such as: Air conditioning & Ventilation system, Electrical system, Plumbing system, Fire Protection system.With the aim to be one of the TOP 20 Trusted Constructors leading Vietnam’s M&E industry, since HN-E&C has been founded, we always consider the interests of clients as ours and build our human resources to become the core of our successful development.Thanks to our appropriate vision, HN-E&C has become a trustful partner of many leading companies in Vietnam such as Lilama 45-1, Vietnam Airline, Vabis Group (Australian Investing & Construction Company), ASI Company (Australia), Nishimatsu (Japanese), Emivest Inc (Malaysia) etc.,HOANG NGUYEN E&C is pleased to cooperate with you and committed to deliver the best qualified M&E system with the high aesthetic and most economical solutions.
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